Once upon a time there was a king.
Once upon a time there was a king!
He used to take it easy for everything!!
One day by mistakenly he had given his royal ring!!
The wicked man taking this opportunity was planning something bad in the coming Spring!!
The person got a chemical, consuming this could lead to early aging!!
With the help of royal ring, the person got into king's palace without anyone noticing!!
Mixed the chemical with alcohol in golden glass and was curiously waiting!!
A monkey suddenly appeared and took the glass and poured it into silver glass and the king was wondering!!
Not knowing the actual thing, the man drank the liquid in the silver glass and fell down screaming and shouting!!
The monkey disappeared and a voice came, oh king I owe you something and I gift you this life for your kind sharing!!!
Lesson to learn :
When you dig a grave for others, sure you will be the first to get buried!!
Be kind and the almighty shall be kind to you!!